Every Party Has One

Every designer knows the experience of having a beloved idea go down in flames.

In the 50th anniversary year for the local art museum, a series of events were planned leading into a new exhibit of historic Mardi Gras design and art.

Picture a series of grand parties at the museum. Each one has a focused audience – children/teens, the under 30 set, then local artists, and culminating in a grand Gala bash.

Your invitation arrives in a large royal purple envelope.

You reach in to extract a bundle of colorful mask cutouts neatly tied neatly to a base card.

You gently release the bow and find each mask is an invitation in itself for a different night’s event.

Choose your mask(s), reserve your tickets and grab the next carriage to the fete.

This was going to be Homeric!


Sigh. There is always an influencer with an idea of their own. Can’t win them all.